The official website for the AMAIM Warrior At The Borderline mecha anime franchise announced its new anime project titled Kyokkō no Sōki. The website revealed that the reknown mecha animator and designer Masami Obari is directing the project.
A 20-second teaser was also released on the project’s site and Twitter account.
The anime’s story is set in the year 2061 in a dystopian world, where Japan is under the occupation of several states. The entire world, including Japan, has been consolidated under the rule of four trade blocs and the entire archipelago is now the frontline of conflict.
In the story, the Japanese people live under constant occupation and oppression, with humanoid war machines called AMAIM patrolling its streets.
Amongst all this pandemonium, a young introverted boy named Amō Shiiba has a chance meeting with the autonomous AI Gai, and his acquisition of the AMAIM Kenbu sets him on a journey to try and take back Japan and the people’s autonomy.
The other plot of the series unfolding simultaneously as Amo’s is that of Gashin Tezuka, a reticent and frank 16-year-old who is part of the Japanese resistance and pilots the AMAIM Ghost to avenge his father.
The original series directed by Nobuyoshi Habara aired for two seasons with the first season premiering in October 2021.
The series composition for the new anime is being handled by Noboru Kimura, with acclaimed designer Kenichi Ohnuki as the character designer. Rasmus Faber serves as the music composer for the series.
About Kyokkō no Sōki
Kyokkō no Sōki is the new anime project of the AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline franchise. The anime has had two previous seasons consisting of a total of 25 episodes.
The plot of the series revolves around a young introverted boy named Amō Shiiba who lives in a dystopian future where Japan is under the occupation of several states in 2061.
He takes it upon himself to try and save Japan and its people when he has a chance meeting with the autonomous AI Gai.
Source: AMAIM Warrior At The Borderline franchise Official Website
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