God of War 2018 features a lot of unique collectibles that Kratos can gather to gain special abilities or boost his stats and weapons in general. Treasure maps are one of these unique collectibles that often, through pictures and words, hint at special items/resources buried throughout the map of the game.
At first glance, it may look easy to find all these buried treasures in one go, but believe me, the game’s map is too big to find all these tiny hoards without looking up a guide.
There are twelve (12) buried treasures and their maps in God of War 2018:
Treasure Map Name | Treasure Map Location | Treasure Location |
Creation Island | Iron Cove | Buri’s Storeroom |
Dead and Bloated | Volunder Mines | Cliffs of the Raven |
Don’t Blink | Fafnir’s Storeroom | Mountain Entrance |
Finder’s Fee | Forgotten Caverns | Northri Stronghold, near watermill |
Hunter’s Kingdom | Lookout Tower | Veithurgard |
Island of Light | Northern shore of Lake of the Nine | Light Elf Outpost |
Kneel Before Thor | Landsuther Mines | Muspelheim Tower |
Njord’s Oarsmen | Northri Stronghold | Northern shore of Lake of the Nine, next to giant Oarsmen statues |
The Boat Captain’s Key | Stone Falls | Isle of Death |
The Historian | Ruins of the Ancient | Fafnira’s Storeroom, temple’s entrance |
The Last Place They’d Look | Mountain | Council of Valkyries |
The Turtle’s Tribute | The River Pass. Witch’s Cave Lower Level | The River Pass, next to the giant turtle tree |
1 Creation Island Treasure Map
The Creation Island treasure map is located in Iron Cove southwest of the Lake of Nine.

This area will be accessible after the Lake’s water has dropped for the second time after the main storyline quest, “A New Destination.” If you land on the southern beach of Iron Cove, you will find the treasure map to your left just after walking a little into the passageway.

The Creation Island treasure map reads, “Why waste a life worshipping those who were created by another? I honor Buri, first among Gods and he from whom the Aesir sprang. I left him a tribute on the island that honors him.”
I. Treasure Location
To collect this treasure, head to the Buri’s Storeroom, an isolated island located east of the Lake of the Nine and across the northeast to Iron Cove.

When you land on the beach, head through the massive iron gate on your left and walk a little inside to find the treasure buried in the ground.

The treasure is 1x Eternal Frost, 7x World Serpent Scale Fragment, 5x Aegir’s Gold, and 6000x Hacksilver.
2 Dead and Bloated Treasure Map
The Dead and Bloated treasure map is found deep within the Volunder Mines, located southeast of the Lake of the Nine. The mine’s entrance is Volunder Chasm near the Cliffs of the Raven label on the map.

Once you get inside the Volunder mine, stick to the rock wall on your right and keep walking until you reach the end and find a chain dropping down.

Use the chain to get to the lower level and find the treasure map near the glowing red chest.

The map reads, “The troll who killed my kin is slain, but the battle has taken its toll. I’ve buried whatever I have left near his corpse. Ingrid and I used to frequent this beach to watch the sunrise over the temple.”
I. Treasure Location
Dead and Bloated treasure is found in the Cliffs of the Raven region, located to the southeast of Lake of the Nine.

Head to the very back of this area, where you will find a giant dead troll lying on the ground. Climb down the chains and collect your treasure buried near the right thigh of the dead troll.

The treasure is 1x Rare Enchantment, 1x Oblivion Stone, 5x Soft Svartalfheim Steel, and 6,000x Hacksilver.
3 Don’t Blink Treasure Map
The Don’t Blink treasure map is located in Fafnir’s Storeroom, found west of the Lake of the Nine and Forgotten Caverns.

You can take Sindri’s first favor, “Fafnir’s Hoard,” to access this area and get a quest marker for it. Head inside the vault through the stone gate and pick up the treasure map next to the right leg of the dead knight by the altar.

The map reads, “My journey will be long, and I can only carry the essentials. I leave my possessions under the watchful eyes of the face of stone until I return.”
I. Treasure Location
This treasure is found near the entrance of “the Mountain,” located to the southeast of the Lake of Nine. It is buried right next to the giant stone face carved onto the mountain.

If the stairs to the mountain are covered in black smoke, you must first progress with the storyline and get a Bifrost crystal to clear it out.

As you reach the very top, near the stone face, look to your left on the stairs for buried treasure. It’s easy to miss, so don’t blink.

The treasure contains 1x Legendary Enchantment, 1x Glacial Catalyst, 2x Solid Svartalfheim Steel, and 6,000 Hacksilver.
4 Finder’s Fee Treasure Map
The Finder’s Fee Treasure Map is found just inside the Forgotten Caverns, located west of the Lake of the Nine.

Dock your boat on the beach and head inside the caves. Walk a little inside the cave and take a left to find the map buried in the ground next to a chest.

The map reads, “I’ve been working for Hraezla Farmaor a long time, but the pay is always short. With the camp split up between Vandrid and his old man, no one will notice me stashing a bit of the earnings on the side. My secret perch is the perfect hiding spot.”
I. Treasure Location
This treasure is located in Northri Stronghold, located north of the Lake of the Nine. Use the mystic gateway to Northri Stronghold and take Sindri’s second favor called “Family Business,” as this treasure can only be found before or after completing this favor.

Jump into your boat from the dock here and paddle to the side quest location, where you have to activate a big water wheel.

You will find a tower with a white flag on its dock near the water wheel. Enter the dock and instead of going straight, turn right and climb the wooden boards to the top, where you will find the treasure buried right in front of you.

The treasure contains 1x Rare Enchantment, 1x Unyielding Cinder, 10x World Serpent Scales, and 10,000x Hacksilver.
5 Hunter’s Kingdom Treasure Map
Hunter’s Kingdom map is found in the Lookout Tower area, located to the southeast of the Lake of Nine.

You will find the map buried in the ground here on the beach. Watch out! There may be a few nightmares here waiting for you.

The map reads, “Motsognir, ruler of man and beast. I came to his kingdom to learn if he had obtained the ingredients to forge the Armor of Legend. All I found was death and sorrow. I leave this offering in memory of those who suffered in the Dwarf King’s quest for glory.”
I. Treasure Location
The treasure for this map is found right in front of the temple’s entrance in Veithurgard, the massive water area, east of the Lake of the Nine.

There are three giant stone statues at the temple’s entrance.

Go to the foot of the left statue and dig out the treasure buried under it.

The treasure contains 1x Rare Enchantment, 1x Leiptr Alloy, 5x Solid Svartalfheim Steel, and 6,000x Hacksilver.
6 Island of Light Treasure Map
The Island of Light treasure map is found on the northern beach of the Lake of the Nine, southwest of the Council of Valkyries label on the map.

The map is buried just left as you dock on the beach.

The map reads, “While we hail from Alfheim, the Light Elves make sure to watch over Midgard. I’ve spent most of my life here at this outpost and I will likely die here.”
I. Treasure Location
The Island of Light treasure is found on an isolated island called Light Elf Outpost, located north in the Lake of the Nine and just west of its treasure map location.

Dock your boat on the beach and head inside. Walk up the light ramp if it’s there. If not, make Atreus shoot blue arrows on the crystal to create the bridge.

You will find an iron gate here, turn right before the gate and jump onto the ledge on the other side. Now, take a left and then a right. You will find the treasure buried at the very end of this path.

The treasure contains 1x Rare Enchantment, 1x Unyielding Cinder, 5x Aegir’s Gold, 7x World Serpent Scale Fragments, and 6000x Hacksilver.
7 Kneel Before Thor Treasure Map
The Kneel before Thor treasure map is found in Landsuther Mines, located south of the Lake of the Nine.

You must complete Brok’s favor called ‘Second Hand Soul’ to gain entry in this area. Accept Brok’s second quest called ‘Deus Ex Malachite.’ Its quest marker will lead you to just the right spot.
Following the side quest path, at the start of the mines, climb down into the broken floor panel, and you will see a lift to your left. Use it to go upwards. You will find the treasure map right in front of you next to a red glowing chest when you step out of the lift.

The map reads, “I’ve lived to serve the god of thunder, and I bury my greatest treasure right where all inhabitants of Midgard should dwell: at the feed of the God of gods.”
I. Treasure Location
The treasure for this map is found in Muspelheim Tower, located south of the Lake of the Nine and west of the Lookout Tower.

You can take a zipline to here from the Lookout Tower. Head to the very top of Muspelheim Tower and go outside through the giant gate.

Turn left and climb down the wooden planks. Now, jump across to the area on the other side and find the mural of Thor etched on the wooden panels on the left side here.

You will find the treasure buried to the left of this mural.

The treasure contains 1x Legendary Enchantment, 1x Unstable Ore, 3x Hardened Svartalfheim Steel, and 20,000x Hacksilver.
8 Njord’s Oarsmen Treasure Map
The Njord’s Oarsmen treasure map is found in Northri Stronghold, located north of the Lake of the Nine.

You need Sindri’s second favor called “Family Business.” At the location, dock your boat next to the giant old ship and break the cracked bottom wooden panel of the ship to gain entry inside.

You will find the map lying next to the dead knight inside.

The map reads, “On my last voyage, my ship was ravaged by Thor’s thunder and storms. I had given up hope when the gentile wind of Njord parted the dark clouds and filled my sails. I have hidden my treasure up high where I can forever row with Njord’s Oarsmen.”
I. Treasure Location
The treasure for this map is found on a ledge next to the left giant Oarsmen statue that leads into the Mason’s Channel at the northern part of the Lake of the Nine.

Dock your boat on the northern shores of the Lake of the Nine, and head inside on the way to the Council of Valkyrie. When you reach the dwarf’s shop, climb up the wall to your right, in front of the dwarf’s shop.

Once you reach the top, go through the tunnel on the right, and you will find the treasure buried at the very end of this path.

The treasure contains 1x Legendary Enchantment, 1x Glacial Catalyst, 10x World Serpent Scales, and 20,000x Hacksilver.
9 The Boat Captain’s Key Treasure Map
The Boat Captain’s Key treasure map is found in Stone Falls, located north- northeast of the Lake of the Nine.

Climb to the very top of the Stone Falls, if the water level is low, and cross the broken wooden bridge to find the treasure map on the left side of the bridge. Use your axe to bring down the bridge if it’s not lowered already.

The map reads, “With the Boat Captain in the belly of the Hydra, the key was mine! I traveled to a new land, but my shipwrecked and sunk along with my precious key. It lies just below the waves, perched on an underwater peak.”
I. Treasure Location
This treasure is found on an isolated island called the Isle of Death, located southwest of the Lake of the Nine and just north of the Iron Cove.

Climb to the very top of the Isle of Death, and you will find the treasure buried under the wreckage of the old wooden longship.

The treasure contains 1x Rare Enchantment, 1x Leptr Alloy, 30x Aegir’s Gold, and 10,000 Hacksilver.
10 The Historian Treasure Map
The Historian treasure map is found in the Ruins of the Ancient, located northwest of the Lake of the Nine.

This is a very small location, so you will find the treasure map on the ground as soon as you land on the beach and walk a little inside.

The map reads, “I wished to make a contribution to Fafnir’s collection of relics. I arrived to find the door locked and Reavers blocking the way I came. I quickly buried my treasure and hid as fast as I could. If I manage to escape, I’ll return to this spot.”
I. Treasure Location
This treasure is found in the Fafnir’s Storeroom, located west of the Lake of the Nine and Forgotten Caverns.

The treasure is buried right outside the Fafnir’s vault/temple entrance gate on the left side.

The treasure contains 1x Legendary Enchantment, 1x Eternal Frost, 30x Aegir’s Gold, and 5,000x Hacksilver.
11 The Last Place They’d Look Treasure Map
The Last Place They’d Look treasure map is found at the summit of The Mountain, located southeast of the Lake of the Nine.

This map is hard to miss during the storyline as it sits right in the middle of the path leading to the summit. If you missed this map, then fast travel to the summit using the mythic gateway and find the path with red explosive crystals.

Follow this path, and eventually, you will find the map right in the middle of the way.

The map reads, “The Valkyries will hunt me until my last breath. If they seek what is mine, I shall hide it right under their noses.”
I. Treasure Location
This treasure is found in the Council of Valkyries, located north of the Lake of the Nine.

At the location where all eight (8) thrones are arranged in a circular formation, you will find the treasure hidden in the middle of the second and third throne from the right.

The treasure contains 1x Legendary Enchantment, 1x Unstable Ore, 5x Hardened Svartalfheim Steel, and 10,000x Hacksilver.
12 The Turtle’s Tribute Treasure Map
The Turtle’s Tribute treasure map is found in the River Pass region in the Witch’s Cave lower level, located south of the Lake of the Nine.

You will find the map near the hidden Chamber of Odin door in the middle of a chest and a coffin.

The map reads, “Where the leaves are red, and the moss is green, I buried my treasure where the Tortoise doth dream.”
I. Treasure Location
This treasure for this map is found in the witch’s yard of the River Pass itself.
Go to the start of the Witch’s Cave at the top of the elevator. Here you can climb up the well to reach the outside area. This area is covered in colorful flowers. Head outside, and you will see a giant turtle.

Dig up the treasure buried near the stones at the turtle’s foot.

The treasure contains 1x Rare Enchantment, 1x Oblivion Stone, 5x Soft Svartalfheim Steel, and 5,000x Hacksilver.
About God of War(2018)
Developed by Santa Monica Studios, God of War is a single-player action-adventure game. Unlike the previous installments of the franchise that deals with Greek mythology, this installment is set in Norse lore.
Before dying, Kratos’ second wife’s last wish is for her to be cremated at the highest peak of the nine realms. Therefore, with his son, Atreus, Kratos embarks on a difficult journey teeming with monsters and gods to fulfill his wife’s final request.
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