Peacemaker episode 7 finally addressed the Cow in the room. We came to know where the butterflies got their food supply from. While you might be focussing on this, you might have missed numerous easter eggs and call-backs from the episode.
Well, don’t worry, because you don’t have to watch the entire episode again. I watched the episode as closely as Eagly would and have got the complete list of easter eggs, references, and call-backs. Let’s jump in!
Peacemaker episode 7 is full of moments that pay tribute to the comics, the show, and the director, James Gunn.
1. Chris Playing the Piano in Episode 6
At the end of episode 6, we saw Chris play the song Home Sweet Home on the piano, but nobody knew why that was the song of choice. The question was answered at the beginning of episode 7 in a flashback. Chris and his brother listen to that song right before their fight, where Chris accidentally kills him. The song was the last one he ever heard with his brother.

2. Peacemaker Doing His Facial Muscle Exercises
After Peacemaker kills The White Dragon (His father), we see him drop on the ground and cry his heart out. Vigilante, who sees this, starts talking about how this wouldn’t be a great time for him to do his facial muscle exercises. This is a call-back to episode 2, where Vigilante spots Peacemaker crying, and the latter tells that he’s merely doing his facial muscle exercises.

3. Peacemaker and Eagly Hugging
In an earlier episode, when Adebayo and Peacemaker had just started bonding, he mentioned how Eagly was his best friend and how he even hugged him once. When Adebayo doesn’t believe him, he says that it’s on her not to believe in miracles.
In episode 7, we not only see Peacemaker and Eagly hug, but it is an actual miracle that Eagly survived The White Dragon’s blow. After Chris breaks down, we see Eagly slowly rise and put his wings around Chris.
4. Vig and Chris are Indeed Best Friends
Vigilante has always been possessive of Peacemaker. He doesn’t want anyone else to be Peacemaker’s best friend and has brought it up throughout the season in a not-so-subtle way. In episode 7, when Peacemaker is vulnerable before Eagly, he tells how Vigilante is the only person besides Eagly who cares for him.

While this might not be as explicit as “You’re my best mate!” it is still as good as that. It was a great call-back to Vigilante’s insecure, annoying, yet funny behavior around this subject.
5. The White Dragon’s Powers from the Comics
The White Dragon in the comics had powers rooted in fire, and he could also shoot flames from his fists. In Peacemaker episode 7, we see a slightly varied version, where the energy blasts look fire-based, and the armor also seems to allow The White Dragon to fly.
6. James Gunn and the Raccoon
Peacemaker finds a random raccoon in the forest and ties him up with his GPS-enabled helmet to divert The White Dragon and his clan. The animal of choice was a raccoon because of James Gunn’s love for it. After working on two Guardians of the Galaxy films, James Gunn grew fond of the animal and even went on to say how Rocket the raccoon was his favorite character.

Well, these were all the easter eggs, references, and call-backs in episode 7. James Gunn seems to have found a nice way to take us through the series journey with these subtle moments and remind us how fun the season has really been.
7. About Peacemaker
Peacemaker is a DC Extended Universe series that will delve into the past of the titular character, who’ll make his cinematic debut in James Gunn’s DCEU film, The Suicide Squad (2021). The character will be portrayed by John Cena, who will reprise his role in the HBO Max series.
Other cast members include Steve Agee, Danielle Brooks, Robert Patrick, Chris Conrad, and Chukwudi Iwuji among many others.
James Gunn will also helm the HBO Max series for its second season.
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