Bee Swarm Simulator is a relaxing experience on Roblox where you tend to your hive of bees and focus on producing honey. You get to enjoy the countryside with your trusty golden companions. To make things easier, players can redeem codes to earn free gifts!
Active Bee Swarm Simulator Codes
Here’s a list of the latest codes in Bee Swarm Simulator, as of February 2025:
- ThreeBeeVee – 1 Marshmallow Bee, 1 Loaded Dice and boosts
- 15MMembers – Free items (Must join Bee Swarm Simulator Club to claim)
- 38217 – 5x Tickets
- BeesBuzz123 – 5x Bitterberry, 5x Gumdrops, 1x Cloud Vial
- BopMaster – 5x Tickets
- ClubBean – 2x Pineapple Patch Boost, 1x Magic Bean
- Connoisseur – 5x Tickets
- Crawlers – 5x Tickets
- Nectar – 5,000x Honey
- Roof – 5x Tickets
- Wax – 5,000x Honey, 5x Tickets
Expired Bee Swarm Simulator Codes
Here are all the expired codes in Bee Swarm Simulator:
- Octobersmas
- summersmas
- WordFactory
- Wink
- DarzethDoodads
- ThnxCyasToyBox
- Troggles
- SecretProfileCode
- Sure
- >WalmartToys
- Marshmallow
- Millie
- Luther
- Jumpstart
- GumdropsForScience
- Dysentery
- Cubly
- WeekExtension
- Banned
- Buzz
- CarmenSanDiego
- Cog
- ClubConverters
- BoxWhoops
- 6irthday
- BeequipTradeReboot
- 2MLikes
- DemiDecade
- PlushFriday
- Teespring
- 500mil
- 10mMembers
- 1MLikes
- SonyXbox
- 5Years
- FourYearFiesta
- 2Billion
- 5MFavorites
- FrozenBugReboot
- 100MVisits
- 12HourGeneral
- 1MFavorites
- 1MoreTime
- 2MFavorites
- 2Years
- 2YearsAfterParty
- 300MVisits
- 3YearFix
- 3YearParty
- 3YearPartyFix
- 4MilMembers
- 5mMembers
- AccentMaster
- AceUnhackedLoot
- AceUnhatched
- Afternoon
- AnniversaBee
- Arizona
- August
- BeeDay2019
- BeeMine
- BeesmasBegins
- BeesmasCheer
- Berlin
- BigBag
- BillionVisits
- BlackBearMythic
- BlackFriday
- BloxyBoost
- BloxyCelebration
- Breeze
- BrownBearReboot
- Buoyant
- Buzzy
- ByeBeeBear
- Cactus4Now
- CantSleep
- Change
- ClubBasket
- ClubCloud
- ClubJellies
- ClubParty
- ClubSnacks
- CookieClub
- Cornsyrup
- Crafty
- DarzethDonation
- DarzethPack
- Decaboost
- Discord100k
- Discord50k
- DontUseThisJelly
- EggReboot
- Elladiely
- ExoExtract
- ExtraPass
- FeelingLucky
- FestiveFinale
- FestiveFrogs
- Friday
- FruitMachine
- FruitSalad
- FuzzyFarewell
- FuzzyReboot
- Gel
- General
- GravycatFan
- GravyGoodies
- GremlinGoodies
- Gumaden10T
- GummyBoost
- GummySausage
- HappyNewYear
- HasteHelper
- JellyHill
- JollyJelly
- Keen4
- kot?kbean
- LateNightGumdrops
- Leftovers
- MagicMittens
- Market
- MayRuTreats
- MegaMittens
- Meow
- MillionMembers
- MinhMaMaMoons
- MischiefMaker
- Mocito100T
- MondoOutage
- MoonMiracle
- MoreTime
- NewMic
- NikTacAttack
- Nonchalant
- Noobasha+
- NoobashaBonus
- NotHoney
- OffToOrlando
- OnettJelly
- OodlesOfNoodles
- PandaPower
- Pectin
- PineappleParty
- PingBoost
- Poke
- PreUpdate
- PumpkinOfJustice
- PuppyPerk
- Reboooot
- Reboot
- Reboot2020
- RebootBag
- RebootBoost
- RebootCheer
- RebootCloud
- RebootCode
- RebootFriday
- RebootPC
- Reboots
- RebootXmas
- RedCatBee
- RedMarket
- RobziRampage
- RobziRobot
- RoyalRobzi
- SaleEnd
- SDMittens1T
- Shhhh
- Shutdown
- Soup
- SpaceReboot
- Sriracha
- Starch
- Strawbeary
- SugarRush
- Summer
- SunBearSendoff
- SunSample
- Tabby
- TallTallMountain
- Tapioca
- TeraBriteFight
- TeraTreasure
- ThatGuyGift
- ThatGuysCrew
- ThnxCyaBoost
- ThoseEyes
- Tornado
- TornadoGlitch
- TrickOrTreat
- Trying
- Unity
- Valentine
- Waiting
- Wax2
- WealthClock1
- Whoops
- WikiAwardClock
- WikiHonor
- WillGoold
- WindyReboot
- WindyWeekend
- WintersEnd
- Xanthan
- YTFMMoons
How to redeem codes in Bee Swarm Simulator?
Follow these steps to redeem codes in Bee Swarm Simulator:
- Launch Bee Swarm Simulator on Roblox.
- Click on the gear icon on the top of the screen to go to Settings.
- A pop-up box titled “Promo Codes” will appear.
- Enter your code in the text box and hit ‘Redeem’.
Enjoy your free rewards!
Make sure to save this page for more codes.
About Roblox
Roblox is a popular online game platform which lets players create their own games and play games made by other users. It is developed by Roblox Corporation and is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS, Fire OS, and Mac.
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