Like general survival crafting games Valheim too has its very own console command box that you can use to modify your gaming experience and that includes some nifty little cheat codes. From flying in the sky to turning into an invincible Viking in God Mode, Valheim has cheat codes for it all. But how and when to use it is the thing you need to know first.
Don’t worry! I’ll gladly teach you the tips and tricks of Valheim and make the game even more enjoyable. So, take notes and start with pulling up the console command box in game.
1. How to Open Console Commands in Valheim?
To open console commands, press F5 on keyboard and type the command or cheat to use in the dialogue box. To enable cheats in the game, type imacheater and press enter. The same code needs to be typed again to disable cheater mode.
Note – Cheat mode and using cheat code in console command works for singleplayer and not for multiplayer servers.
Don’t try to use cheats in multiplayer server or you might get banned from the game or you can even crash your game and not be able to play it again.
However, there are still some multiplayer friendly commands you can use in multiplayer servers.
2. Multiplayer Server Commands

These server commands can be used even without typing in the imacheater code in console. Here’s the list of multiplayer server friendly commands that admins can use:
Command | Effect |
help | Shows all the available admin commands |
kick [name/ip/userID] | Kicks specific player from server |
ban [name/ip/userID] | Bans specific player from server |
unban [ip/userID] | Unbans specific player from server |
ping | Pings server to measure latency |
loadbias [number] | Sets draw distance of 1-5 in server |
info | Posts current system status |
Now that we are done with the basic commands, let’s move on to the fun ones which let you use cheat codes. Again, reminding you that it’s best to use these in single player only.
3. Cheat Commands for Singleplayers
Before you try out these commands, make sure to press F5 and type in imacheater to start your cheat mode experience in Valheim. You can always type in the code again to stop the cheat mode in console commands.
Command | Effect |
god | Enabled God Mode making you indestructible |
freefly | Activates free camera |
heal | Gives full health to character |
puke | Resets hunger, health and stamina |
hair | Removes character’s hair |
beard | Removes character’s beard |
model [nr] | Switch between male or female character with 0 or 1 |
ffsmooth 1 | Adds smooth camera movements to freefly |
ffsmooth 0 | Resets smooth camera movement |
killall | Kills all nearby animals |
tame | Tames any boars, wolves or lox nearby |
exploremap | Reveals entire map to player |
resetmap | Resets entire map you’ve explored |
pos | Shows the player’s coordinates |
goto [x,z] or goto[x,y,z] | Teleports to the specified coordinates |
location | Sets spawn location |
event [name] | Starts any event in game |
stopevent | Stops the event that started |
randomevent | Randomly activates any event |
raiseskill [skill] [amount] | Raises skill points of any skill you want (1-100) |
resetskill [skill] | Resets the skill point to 0 |
resetcharacter | Resets character settings |
dpsdebug | Toggles damages per second display to on or off |
save | Force saves the game |
players [nr] | Used to adjust difficulty scale. Can be reset using 0 |
removedrops | Removes all items dropped within area to clear up any mess |
wind [angle] [intensity] | Sets wind direction and intensity North- 0 Intensity – 0 or 1 |
resetwind | Resets wind direction and intensity |
spawn [item] [amount] [level] | Spawns certain items with amount and level |
Saving Progress Before Cheat Mode
Before turning on cheat mode, put away all loot from inventory and store them into a chest. Force save progress using save command in console.
Example – spawn Troll 10 (Spawns 10 Trolls near you)
This will save all your items in inventory from getting despawned after you turn on cheat mode and save a bit of hassle into collecting them once again.
4. All Cheat Codes for Spawning Items in Valheim

To use these codes simply type spawn followed by the item you want to spawn and even the specific number of that item.
Example – spawn Bronze 20 (20 Bronze bars will drop in the ground where your character is standing)
Also, for spawning the merchant Haldor use code Haldor. But warning, once you spawn him, he will appear near your location but will be 1 foot above ground and cannot be despawned.
Example – spawn ArmorIronLegs (spawns one Iron leg armor)
Here are all the cheat codes for spawning specific items in Valheim without having to grind multiple hours in game for it. Can’t seem to find the item you are looking for? Try CTRL+F instead!
i. Items List
Amber |
AmberPearl |
AncientSeed |
Barley |
BarleyFlour |
BarleyWine |
BarleyWineBase |
BeechSeeds |
BlackMetal |
BlackMetalScrap |
Bloodbag |
BoneFragments |
Bronze |
BronzeNails |
BoneFragments |
CarrotSeeds |
Chitin |
Coal |
Coins |
Copper |
CopperOre |
CryptKey |
Crystal |
Dandelion |
DeerHide |
DragonEgg |
DragonTear |
ElderBark |
Entrails |
Feathers |
FineWood |
FirCone |
FishingBait |
FishRaw |
FishWraps |
Flametal |
FlametalOre |
Flax |
Flint |
FreezeGland |
GreydwarfEye |
Guck |
HardAntler |
Iron |
IronNails |
IronOre |
IronScrap |
LeatherScraps |
LinenThread |
LoxMeat |
LoxPelt |
LoxPie |
Needle |
Obsidian |
Ooze |
PineCone |
QueenBee |
Ruby |
SerpentScale |
SharpeningStone |
Silver |
SilverNecklace |
SilverOre |
Stone |
SurtlingCore |
Thistle |
Tin |
TinOre |
TrollHide |
TurnipSeeds |
WitheredBone |
WolfFang |
WolfPelt |
Wood |
YmirRemains |
NeckTail |
RawMeat |
Resin |
RoundLog |
SerpentMeat |
YagluthDrop |
ii. Armor List
ArmorBronzeChest |
ArmorBronzeLegs |
ArmorIronChest |
ArmorIronLegs |
ArmorLeatherChest |
ArmorLeatherLegs |
ArmorPaddedCuirass |
ArmorPaddedGreaves |
ArmorRagsChest |
ArmorRagsLegs |
ArmorTrollLeatherChest |
ArmorTrollLeatherLegs |
ArmorWolfChest |
ArmorWolfLegs |
CapeDeerHide |
CapeLinen |
CapeLox |
CapeOdin |
CapeTest |
CapeTrollHide |
CapeWolf |
HelmetBronze |
HelmetDrake |
HelmetDverger |
HelmetIron |
HelmetLeather |
HelmetOdin |
HelmetPadded |
HelmetTrollLeather |
HelmetYule |
iii. Ammo and Weapons List
ArrowBronze |
ArrowFire |
ArrowFlint |
ArrowFrost |
ArrowIron |
ArrowNeedle |
ArrowObsidian |
ArrowPoison |
ArrowSilver |
ArrowWood |
AtgeirBlackmetal |
AtgeirBronze |
AtgeirIron |
Battleaxe |
Bow |
BowDraugrFang |
BowFineWood |
BowHuntsman |
KnifeBlackMetal |
KnifeChitin |
KnifeCopper |
KnifeFlint |
MaceBronze |
MaceIron |
MaceNeedle |
MaceSilver |
ShieldBanded |
ShieldBlackmetal |
ShieldBlackmetalTower |
ShieldBronzeBuckler |
ShieldIronSquare |
ShieldIronTower |
ShieldKnight |
ShieldSerpentscale |
ShieldSilver |
ShieldWood |
ShieldWoodTower |
SledgeIron |
SledgeStagbreaker |
SpearBronze |
SpearChitin |
SpearElderbark |
SpearFlint |
SpearWolfFang |
SwordBlackmetal |
SwordBronze |
SwordCheat |
SwordIron |
SwordIronFire |
SwordSilver |
Tankard |
TankardOdin |
Club |
Torch |
iv. Tools and Trinkets List
AxeBronze |
AxeFlint |
AxeIron |
AxeStone |
AxeBlackMetal |
PickaxeAntler |
PickaxeBronze |
PickaxeIron |
PickaxeStone |
Cultivator |
FishingRod |
Hammer |
Hoe |
BeltStrength |
Wishbone |
HelmetDverger |
v. Enemies and Bosses List
Blob |
BlobElite |
Boar |
Boar_piggy |
Crow |
Deathsquito |
Deer |
Draugr |
Draugr_Elite |
Draugr_Ranged |
Fenring |
Ghost |
Goblin |
GoblinArcher |
GoblinBrute |
GoblinClub |
GoblinHelmet |
GoblinLegband |
GoblinLoin |
GoblinShaman |
GoblinShoulders |
GoblinSpear |
GoblinSword |
GoblinTorch |
GoblinTotem |
Greydwarf |
Greydwarf_Elite |
Greydwarf_Root |
Greydwarf_Shaman |
Greyling |
Leech |
Lox |
Neck |
Seagal |
Serpent |
Skeleton |
Skeleton_Poison |
StoneGolem |
Surtling |
Troll |
Valkyrie |
Wolf |
Wolf_cub |
Wraith |
Eikthyr |
gd_king |
Bonemass |
Dragon |
GoblinKing |
vi. Food List
Bread |
BloodPudding |
Blueberries |
Carrot |
CarrotSoup |
Cloudberry |
CookedLoxMeat |
CookedMeat |
FishCooked |
Honey |
Mushroom |
MushroomBlue |
MushroomYellow |
NeckTailGrilled |
Raspberry |
QueensJam |
Sausages |
SerpentMeatCooked |
SerpentStew |
Turnip |
TurnipStew |
vii. Potion/Mead List
MeadBaseFrostResist |
MeadBaseHealthMedium |
MeadBaseHealthMinor |
MeadBasePoisonResist |
MeadBaseStaminaMedium |
MeadBaseStaminaMinor |
MeadBaseTasty |
MeadFrostResist |
MeadHealthMedium |
MeadHealthMinor |
MeadPoisonResist |
MeadStaminaMedium |
MeadStaminaMinor |
MeadTasty |
viii. Vehicles List
Cart |
Raft |
Karve |
VikingShip |
Trailership |
ix. Trophy List
TrophyBlob |
TrophyBoar |
TrophyBonemass |
TrophyDeathsquito |
TrophyDeer |
TrophyDragonQueen |
TrophyDraugr |
TrophyDraugrElite |
TrophyDraugrFem |
TrophyEikthyr |
TrophyFenring |
TrophyForestTroll |
TrophyFrostTroll |
TrophyGoblin |
TrophyGoblinBrute |
TrophyGoblinKing |
TrophyGoblinShaman |
TrophyGreydwarf |
TrophyGreydwarfBrute |
TrophyGreydwarfShaman |
TrophyHatchling |
TrophyLeech |
TrophyLox |
TrophyNeck |
TrophySerpent |
TrophySGolem |
TrophySkeleton |
TrophySkeletonPoison |
TrophySurtling |
TrophyTheElder |
TrophyWolf |
TrophyWraith |
x. Spawner List
BonePileSpawner |
Spawner_Blob |
Spawner_BlobElite |
Spawner_Boar |
Spawner_Draugr |
Spawner_Draugr_Elite |
Spawner_Draugr_Noise |
Spawner_Draugr_Ranged |
Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise |
Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30 |
Spawner_DraugrPile |
Spawner_Fenring |
Spawner_Fish4 |
Spawner_Ghost |
Spawner_Goblin |
Spawner_GoblinArcher |
Spawner_GoblinBrute |
Spawner_GoblinShaman |
Spawner_Greydwarf |
Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite |
Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman |
Spawner_GreydwarfNest |
Spawner_Hatchling |
Spawner_imp |
Spawner_imp_respawn |
Spawner_Leech_cave |
Spawner_Location_Elite |
Spawner_Location_Greydwarf |
Spawner_Location_Shaman |
Spawner_Skeleton |
Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher |
Spawner_Skeleton_poison |
Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30 |
Spawner_StoneGolem |
Spawner_Troll |
Spawner_Wraith |
xi. Miscellaneous Items List
GlowingMushroom |
ancientbarkspear_projectile |
aoe_nova |
barrell |
bed |
bee_aoe |
beech_log |
beech_log_half |
Beech_Sapling |
Beech_small1 |
Beech_small2 |
Beech_Stub |
Beech1 |
Beehive |
Birch_log |
Birch_log_half |
Birch1 |
Birch1_aut |
Birch2 |
Birch2_aut |
BirchStub |
blastfurnace |
blob_aoe |
BlueberryBush |
boar_ragdoll |
BombOoze |
bonemass_aoe |
bonemass_throw_projectile |
bonfire |
BossStone_Bonemass |
BossStone_DragonQueen |
BossStone_Eikthyr |
BossStone_TheElder |
BossStone_Yagluth |
bow_projectile |
bow_projectile_fire |
bow_projectile_frost |
bow_projectile_needle |
bow_projectile_poison |
bronzespear_projectile |
bucket |
Bush01 |
Bush01_heath |
Bush02_en |
CargoCrate |
CastleKit_braided_box01 |
CastleKit_groundtorch |
CastleKit_groundtorch_green |
CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit |
CastleKit_pot03 |
Chain |
charcoal_kiln |
Chest |
CloudberryBush |
cultivate |
dead_deer |
Deathsquito_sting |
deer_ragdoll |
DeerGodExplosion |
DG_Cave |
DG_ForestCrypt |
DG_GoblinCamp |
DG_MeadowsFarm |
DG_MeadowsVillage |
DG_SunkenCrypt |
digg |
digg_v2 |
dragon_ice_projectile |
Draugr_elite_ragdoll |
Draugr_ranged_ragdoll |
Draugr_ragdoll |
draugr_axe |
draugr_bow |
draugr_sword |
eikthyr_ragdoll |
dragoneggcup |
dungeon_forestcrypt_door |
dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate |
eventzone_bonemass |
eventzone_eikthyr |
eventzone_gdking |
eventzone_goblinking |
eventzone_moder |
EvilHeart_Forest |
EvilHeart_Swamp |
Fenring_ragdoll |
fermenter |
fire_pit |
FireFlies |
FirTree |
FirTree_log |
FirTree_log_half |
FirTree_oldLog |
FirTree_Sapling |
FirTree_small |
FirTree_small_dead |
FirTree_Stub |
Fish1 |
Fish2 |
Fish3 |
Fish4_cave |
FishingRodFloat |
FishingRodFloatProjectile |
Flies |
flintspear_projectile |
ForestTroll_ragdoll |
forge |
forge_ext1 |
forge_ext2 |
forge_ext3 |
forge_ext4 |
forge_ext5 |
forge_ext6 |
gdking_Ragdoll |
gdking_root_projectile |
goblin_banner |
goblin_bed |
Goblin_Dragdoll |
goblin_fence |
goblin_pole |
goblin_pole_small |
goblin_roof_45d |
goblin_roof_45d_corner |
goblin_roof_cap |
goblin_stairs |
goblin_stepladder |
goblin_totempole |
goblin_woodwall_1m |
goblin_woodwall_2m |
goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs |
GoblinArmband |
GoblinBrute_ArmGuard |
GoblinBrute_Attack |
GoblinBrute_Backbones |
GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap |
GoblinBrute_HipCloth |
GoblinBrute_LegBones |
GoblinBrute_ragdoll |
GoblinBrute_RageAttack |
GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard |
GoblinBrute_Taunt |
GoblinKing_ragdoll |
goblinking_totemholder |
GoblinShaman_attack_poke |
GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers |
GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers |
GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball |
GoblinShaman_protect_aoe |
GoblinShaman_ragdoll |
GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones |
GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers |
GoblinSpear_projectile |
Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll |
Greydwarf_ragdoll |
Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll |
Greydwarf_throw_projectile |
Greyling_ragdoll |
guard_stone |
guard_stone_test |
GuckSack |
GuckSack_small |
Hatchling |
hatchling_cold_projectile |
Hatchling_ragdoll |
HealthUpgrade_Bonemass |
HealthUpgrade_GDKing |
hearth |
HeathRockPillar |
HeathRockPillar_frac |
highstone |
highstone_frac |
horizontal_web |
HugeRoot1 |
ice_rock1 |
ice_rock1_frac |
ice1 |
IceBlocker |
Imp_fireball_projectile |
iron_grate |
itemstand |
itemstandh |
Leech_cave |
Leviathan |
LocationProxy |
loot_chest_stone |
loot_chest_wood |
LootSpawner_pineforest |
lox_ragdoll |
lox_stomp_aoe_OLD |
marker01 |
marker02 |
MineRock_Copper |
MineRock_Iron |
MineRock_Meteorite |
MineRock_Obsidian |
MineRock_Stone |
MineRock_Tin |
MountainGraveStone01 |
mud_road |
mudpile |
mudpile_beacon |
mudpile_frac |
mudpile_old |
mudpile2 |
mudpile2_frac |
Neck_Ragdoll |
Oak_log |
Oak_log_half |
Oak1 |
OakStub |
odin |
OLD_wood_roof |
OLD_wood_roof_icorner |
OLD_wood_roof_ocorner |
OLD_wood_roof_top |
OLD_wood_wall_roof |
oozebomb_explosion |
oozebomb_projectile |
path |
paved_road |
Pickable_Barley |
Pickable_Barley_Wild |
Pickable_BogIronOre |
Pickable_Branch |
Pickable_Carrot |
Pickable_Dandelion |
Pickable_DolmenTreasure |
Pickable_DragonEgg |
Pickable_Flax |
Pickable_Flax_Wild |
Pickable_Flint |
Pickable_ForestCryptRandom |
Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01 |
Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02 |
Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03 |
Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04 |
Pickable_Item |
Pickable_Meteorite |
Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried |
Pickable_Mushroom |
Pickable_Mushroom_blue |
Pickable_Mushroom_yellow |
Pickable_Obsidian |
Pickable_RandomFood |
Pickable_SeedCarrot |
Pickable_SeedTurnip |
Pickable_Stone |
Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom |
Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand |
Pickable_Thistle |
Pickable_Tin |
Pickable_Turnip |
piece_artisanstation |
piece_banner01 |
piece_banner02 |
piece_banner03 |
piece_banner04 |
piece_banner05 |
piece_bed02 |
piece_beehive |
piece_bench01 |
piece_brazierceiling01 |
piece_cauldron |
piece_chair |
piece_chair02 |
piece_chest |
piece_chest_private |
piece_chest_wood |
piece_cookingstation |
piece_gift1 |
piece_gift2 |
piece_gift3 |
piece_groundtorch |
piece_groundtorch_green |
piece_groundtorch_wood |
piece_jackoturnip |
piece_maypole |
piece_sharpstakes |
piece_spinningwheel |
piece_stonecutter |
piece_table |
piece_throne01 |
piece_walltorch |
piece_workbench |
piece_workbench_ext1 |
piece_workbench_ext2 |
piece_workbench_ext3 |
piece_workbench_ext4 |
piece_xmastree |
PineTree |
Pinetree_01 |
Pinetree_01_Stub |
PineTree_log |
PineTree_log_half |
PineTree_log_halfOLD |
PineTree_logOLD |
PineTree_Sapling |
Player |
Player_ragdoll |
Player_ragdoll_old |
Player_tombstone |
PlayerUnarmed |
portal |
portal_wood |
projectile_beam |
projectile_chitinharpoon |
projectile_meteor |
projectile_wolffang |
raise |
RaspberryBush |
replant |
Rock_3 |
Rock_3_frac |
Rock_4 |
Rock_4_plains |
Rock_7 |
Rock_destructible |
Rock_destructible_test |
rock1_mountain |
rock1_mountain_frac |
rock2_heath |
rock2_heath_frac |
rock2_mountain |
rock2_mountain_frac |
rock3_mountain |
rock3_mountain_frac |
rock3_silver |
rock3_silver_frac |
rock4_coast |
rock4_coast_frac |
rock4_copper |
rock4_copper_frac |
rock4_forest |
rock4_forest_frac |
rock4_heath |
rock4_heath_frac |
RockFinger |
RockFinger_frac |
RockFingerBroken |
RockFingerBroken_frac |
rockformation1 |
RockThumb |
RockThumb_frac |
root07 |
root08 |
root11 |
root12 |
rug_deer |
rug_fur |
rug_wolf |
sapling_barley |
sapling_carrot |
sapling_flax |
sapling_seedcarrot |
sapling_seedturnip |
sapling_turnip |
shaman_attack_aoe |
shaman_heal_aoe |
ship_construction |
shipwreck_karve_bottomboards |
shipwreck_karve_bow |
shipwreck_karve_chest |
shipwreck_karve_dragonhead |
shipwreck_karve_stern |
shipwreck_karve_sternpost |
shrub_2 |
shrub_2_heath |
sign |
sign_notext |
silvervein |
silvervein_frac |
skeleton_bow |
skeleton_mace |
Skeleton_NoArcher |
skeleton_sword |
Skull1 |
Skull2 |
sledge_aoe |
smelter |
stake_wall |
StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf |
StaminaUpgrade_Troll |
StaminaUpgrade_Wraith |
StatueCorgi |
StatueDeer |
StatueEvil |
StatueHare |
StatueSeed |
stone_arch |
stone_floor |
stone_floor_2x2 |
stone_pile |
stone_pillar |
stone_stair |
stone_wall_1x1 |
stone_wall_2x1 |
stone_wall_4x2 |
stoneblock_fracture |
stonechest |
stonegolem_attack1_spike |
StoneGolem_clubs |
StoneGolem_hat |
Stonegolem_ragdoll |
StoneGolem_spikes |
stubbe |
stubbe_spawner |
sunken_crypt_gate |
SwampTree1 |
SwampTree1_log |
SwampTree1_Stub |
SwampTree2 |
SwampTree2_darkland |
SwampTree2_log |
TentaRoot |
tentaroot_attack |
tolroko_flyer |
TrainingDummy |
TreasureChest_blackforest |
TreasureChest_fCrypt |
TreasureChest_forestcrypt |
TreasureChest_heath |
TreasureChest_meadows |
TreasureChest_meadows_buried |
TreasureChest_mountains |
TreasureChest_plains_stone |
TreasureChest_sunkencrypt |
TreasureChest_swamp |
TreasureChest_trollcave |
troll_groundslam_aoe |
troll_log_swing_h |
troll_log_swing_v |
Troll_ragdoll |
troll_throw_projectile |
tunnel_web |
turf_roof |
turf_roof_top |
turf_roof_wall |
VegvisirShard_Bonemass |
vertical_web |
vines |
widestone |
widestone_frac |
windmill |
Wolf_Ragdoll |
wood_beam |
wood_beam_1 |
wood_beam_26 |
wood_beam_45 |
wood_door |
wood_dragon1 |
wood_fence |
wood_floor |
wood_floor_1x1 |
wood_gate |
wood_ledge |
wood_pole |
wood_pole_log |
wood_pole_log_4 |
wood_pole2 |
wood_roof |
wood_roof_45 |
wood_roof_icorner |
wood_roof_icorner_45 |
wood_roof_ocorner |
wood_roof_ocorner_45 |
wood_roof_top |
wood_roof_top_45 |
wood_stack |
wood_stair |
wood_stepladder |
wood_wall_half |
wood_wall_log |
wood_wall_log_4x0.5 |
wood_wall_roof |
wood_wall_roof_45 |
wood_wall_roof_top |
wood_wall_roof_top_45 |
woodiron_beam |
woodiron_pole |
woodwall |
wraith_melee |
You can also check out the reddit post in Valheim’s subreddit and find more codes there.
There you have it, all the codes you need to be the best player in Valheim. Just remember to use the codes on your own discretion, so that you don’t accidentally bug out the game.
5. About Valheim
Developed by Iron Gate AB, Valheim is an online open-world Survival craft co-op game. Here, players will control dead Vikings and fight Odin’s ancient enemies and monsters.
In order to enter paradise, players will have to please Odin and prove their worth to the allfather.
The journey will not be easy as at every step, the danger of supernatural entities will loom. Players will have to venture out, explore various landforms, craft, and get stronger.
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