Even as it bids us farewell, 13 Reasons Why manages another reason to be hated by viewers. Ever since the season and series finale gained enough eyeballs – the internet is breaking over the show’s representation of HIV/AIDS.
The controversial twist centres around Justin Foley, played by Brandon Flynn, who is portrayed as a recovering addict and former sex worker.
In the series finale, Justin is diagnosed with HIV which somehow develops into AIDS resulting in his death the end of the episode.

It was implied that the virus was contracted during his past needle usage and sex work while he was homeless. But if you trust science, the timeline is impossible.
It typically takes untreated HIV, as was the case with Justin, eight to ten years to turn into AIDS. Justin was not only denied a very real time of recovery from the virus but also from poor choices of his past.
Fans have ever since been taking to social media against what they’ve termed a ‘backwards’ and ‘sensationalized’ storyline.
They also think the show missed an opportunity to teach teens that HIV is not a death sentence and also that a comeback from the world of sex and drugs is possible.
Indeed, Justin was one character who was finally making it back from the dark world of desolate and desperate homelessness.
He had been lucky to have a caring and loving adopted family and then future finally looked bright. Then, to end that with death due to AIDS was plain opportunistic.
So much so that not just fans but even the UK-based National AIDS Trust too had to step in and voice its concerns with the wrongful AIDS representation in such a popular teen show.
“It’s disappointing to see a programme that has such influence with young audiences misrepresent #HIV in this way and further add to stigma. This was a missed opportunity to show that people can live full and healthy lives with HIV,” it said in a statement recently.
Such irresponsible representation and uninformed writing by the show’s writers only puts into question the show’s credibility until now. Sure it started many important dialogues.
Also, to spread misinformation about an older epidemic in the time of an ongoing epidemic is outrageous. Maybe the Pulitzer authorities should rethink their decision of awarding one to showrunner Brian Yorkey.
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